Sunday, November 13, 2005

Upper Room Moment

I believe that God is always trying to speak to us and show us things that we often miss because we do not tune in to Him. When at the Upper Room in Jerusalem where the Last Supper was believed to have taken place, I felt like I was missing something. So I prayed and waited on the Lord as I strolled around the room. What is it, Lord? Is it something in the people that are here praying and observing? Is it something in the room itself, perhaps a detail overlooked? Then I felt compelled to look straight above my head. On the ceiling was this round disc that had a figure carved on it. The figure was actually raised. It looked more like a ram with wings. I tried several times to take a picture to capture it, but the flash seemed to wash it out. I tried holding the camera still and not use a flash and the imaged showed up much better.

The verses in Genesis 22 immediately came to mind. Abraham set out to offer Isaac as a sacrifice, but God stopped him and provided a ram in the thicket to sacrifice. I thought of how Jesus became our sacrifice after the meal in the Upper Room. The carving on the ceiling became very significant at that point. The wings represented a divine sacrifice from Heaven for our sakes. It spoke very deeply to me of what Jesus went through for us.

Salvation is not free. We were bought with a price that only He could pay.